Saturday, April 10, 2010

Protest Against Remaning NWFP

I think you all know that ANP (Bacha Khan and company) were against to bring NWFP in Pakistan. So in referendum, the results were 51 % in favor of Pakistan and 49% in favor of India. From Hazara 100% votes were in favor of Pakistan. So because of that NWFP was added in Pakistan. I observed in my whole life, we had alot of problems from Pakhtoons in Peshawar. Peshawar is our province headquarters, so we have to go there for any of our official work. They were very route with us. The people of Hazara is now being annoyed with the new name of NWFP and they are getthering against the PML (N)as they claim that Nawaz Sharif were won server time elections of major difference from this city then why the Nawaz Sharif is not with them specially the time when they need their identity.

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